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Interested in fiber optic sensing? If so, you’ll want to check out the “Tales From the Front Line of Fiber Optic Sensing” webinar presented by OptaSense and sponsored by the Fiber Optic Sensing Association (FOSA).
Whether it’s detecting pipeline leaks, damage to railroads or intrusion at critical facilities, fiber optic sensing plays an increasingly important role in protecting and keeping key infrastructure assets operating globally.
The webinar features fiber optic sensing installations across a wide range of industry verticals, applications and locations, including system action videos with the challenges and successes of actual deployments.
To download and view this webinar, go here.
To subscribe to the FOSA e-newsletter, go here.
OFS introduced the latest addition to its InvisiLight® Solutions family at the Fiber Connect Conference recently held in Orlando, FL.
Specifically designed for fiber-to-the-subscriber (FTTx) deployment to low-rise buildings or garden-style dwelling units, the InvisiLight Facade Solution uses an innovative and virtually invisible approach to place fiber on and into buildings.
In this way, the new solution solves the old consumer “pain point” of visible cabling or raceways on the exterior of buildings.
To learn more about the InvisiLight Façade Solution, go HERE.
The adoption of mobile devices, data-intensive applications and 4G LTE networks are just few of the key factors driving the ever-increasing demand for greater network and Internet bandwidth.
In fact, a recent article in Optical Connections Magazine maintains that fundamental physics could pose a threat to the Internet’s continued expansion.
However, according to Robert Lingle of OFS, new fiber designs such as multi-core, few-mode and hollow core fibers could be capable of extending the limit.
If you missed the initial presentation, it’s not too late to view the Telecommunications Industry Association’s (TIA) Cabling Standards Update Spring 2017 webinar hosted by Cabling Installation & Maintenance.
The TIA TR-42 Engineering Committee continues to develop and revise standards and specifications relating to cabling components and systems. Because many North American cabling projects are specified to comply with TIA standards, these documents are among the most relevant to anyone involved in cabling-system design, installation, certification or management. This webcast seminar provides an update on some of the newest development and revision projects taking place in the TR-42 committee.
To learn more or access the presentation, which includes OFS’ Tony Irujo, please GO HERE.
Leading experts from OFS will present six technical papers at the first-ever UL and IWCS China Cable & Connectivity Symposium in Shanghai, China, from April 25 through April 27, 2017.
These presentations will cover a wide range of subjects from acrylate-based, harsh environmental coatings for specialty optical fiber to high-speed, SWDM transmission over Wideband Multimode Fiber.
To learn more about these technical papers and the Symposium, go here.
As data centers increase in size and scale, many industry watchers wonder when the use of single-mode optical fiber will overtake multimode fiber in these facilities. For hyperscale data center designers, that time has arrived. However, for much of the enterprise market, multimode fiber still offers significant cost and power savings over other fibers for supporting short-reach links.
As you read this blog, multimode fiber developers are hard at work creating even more cost-effective, short-reach solutions. In fact, fiber manufacturers recently introduced OM5 wideband multimode fiber, which will support short wavelength division multiplexing (SWDM).
In a new ICT Today article, OFS Product Manager John Kamino takes an in-depth look at the evolution, introduction and standardization of wideband multimode fiber.
Data traffic on optical and mobile networks, video streaming and the large-scale rollout of Cloud computing continue to increase each year. This tremendous growth is creating the demand for additional capacity and placing stress on existing long-haul optical networks.
To help meet this need, OFS has designed and introduced a new G.654.B compliant optical fiber. This award-winning fiber combines Ultra-Low Loss with an optimized effective area that is 49% larger than the effective area of standard G.652.D fiber. As a result, network operators can maximize the distance between signal amplification and regeneration sites which, in turn, helps to reduce the overall system costs of long-haul networks.
Dr. Peter Weimann of OFS will present a live webinar on March 17, sponsored by IWCS, to discuss this new Ultra-Low Loss Fiber for terrestrial applications.
Silicon photonics technology is coming to market at a time of momentous change for Internet content providers, data centers, chip and optical components manufacturers and telecom service providers.
In fact, silicon photonics (SiP) is set to change a number of these industries, as a new book co-authored by Daryl Inniss of OFS explains. Silicon Photonics: Fueling the New Information Revolution outlines the history of SiP development along with the many roles that this technology will play in the future.
The authors cover key topics including the latest research assessing SiP development and prospects; how SiP addresses the challenges of managing bandwidth over distances and within systems; and potential applications of SiP, including servers, data centers and the Internet of Things (IOT).
To read and learn more about this book, click here.
Sharks will eat submarine cables. Actually, sharks don’t seem to like the taste of these cables.
While submarine cables carry a tremendous amount of the world’s data, the “prevailing wisdom” about undersea networks suffers from many common fallacies. These misconceptions range from myths surrounding past technologies to those that involve “toothy” marine life.
A recent article in Lightwave helps to debunk the top 10 myths around submarine networks.
In the United States, Halloween is a time when young children dressed as tiny ghosts, goblins and even superheroes knock on neighborhood doors, repeatedly yelling the benign threat of “trick or treat.”
With Halloween retail spending projected to reach $8.4 billion in 2016, this night has also become one of the biggest unofficial holidays of the year for adults, with parties and celebration galore.
However, on another Halloween night not so long ago, millions of unsuspecting New Englanders had no warning that a true utilities nightmare was about to unfold.
We invite you to read on as guest blogger Natasha Juhasz (OFS Social Media, PR and Project Manager), weaves her tale of “A Halloween Blackout in New England.”