Successful metro express/edge telecommunications require a solid understanding of congested traffic areas, commercial districts, and cultural areas, and OFS’s fiber products are designed to address these types of issues, including space limitation and excavation disruption.
The OFS Metro Solution includes ultra-compact micro-cables and ribbon cables that can fit more fibers in less space, enabled by OFS optical fibers optimized to the application, including AllWave® One ZWP Fiber, and TrueWave® Fibers, both of which can help to reduce transmission system costs.
Fiber products associated with this application:
AccuRibbon® Optical Ribbon
AllWave® FLEX ZWP Single-Mode Fiber
AllWave® ZWP Fiber
TrueWave® REACH Fiber
TrueWave® RS Fiber
TrueWave® LA Low Water Peak Fiber
Cable products associated with this application:
AccuFlex™+ Premises Cable
AccuRibbon® DC TL Outdoor/Indoor Cable
EZ-Bend 4.8 & 3.0 Ruggedized Cables
EZ-Bend® Factory-Terminated Assemblies
Fortex™ DT Loose Tube Cable
MiDia® FX PLUS Cable
PowerGuide® All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) Cable