The OFS microcable product line includes the RollR200 Central Core (CC) Rollable Ribbon Microcable to take metro networks to the next level by increasing fiber density, improving performance, and accelerating deployment.
Product Description
The RollR200 has a 432f count construction in a tiny 10mm diameter, allowing installers to put double the fiber density of previous micro cable solutions into standard 13mm ID microducts. Now customers can make the most of their network duct systems and infrastructure, reducing material and installation costs while also preserving duct space for future upgrades or leasing.
Individual 200-micron fibers are partially bonded to each other at predetermined points to form these ribbons, allowing the benefit of mass fusion splicing capabilities in a significantly smaller cable diameter to maximize fiber density in congested networks. The ability to perform mass fusion splicing simplifies installation and reduces splicing time and labor costs.
The cable is built with a central core tube construction and helical strength elements for improved handling and installation. The rifled outer jacket, which is specifically designed for air-blown installation using microduct systems, reduces cable friction during installation, allowing for longer installation lengths. Furthermore, the higher fiber density of the RollR200 CC Microcable can help to increase the capacity of existing pathways by utilizing smaller, lower-cost duct systems.
- Optimized for air-blown, microduct installation
- Reduced outer diameter and high fiber density
- 200 µm AllWave(R) FLEX, ITU G.657A1, optical fiber
- Complies with IEC-60794-5-10
RollR200 Benefits
- 200 μm rollable ribbons help enable smaller cable outer diameter (OD) and reduced weight versus traditional ribbon cable designs
- Fast and easy installation helps to lower deployment costs
- Maximizes capacity in limited spaces
- Optimized for fast, cost-effective mass fusion splicing
- Eliminates need for excavation and procuring right-of-way
What makes the RollR200 Central Core Rollable Ribbon Fiber Different?
Every component of the RollR200 Central Core RR Cable was selected to provide maximum fiber density and ease of deployment. Users can perform very efficient and cost-effective mass fusion splicing while also allowing for easy individual fiber breakout thanks to the rollable ribbon architecture. Benefits of rollable ribbon include reduction in manpower expense and improvement in installation ease.
Rollable ribbons in the RollR200 Central Core RR Cable can be rolled (compacted) and routed like individual fibers to fit into tighter closures and splice trays.
The cable’s gel-free water-blocking construction cuts down on the time to prepare cable ends, lowering labor and splice expenses. The ability to maximize duct utilization, makesRollR200 RR CC Cable a perfect choice for connecting the next generation of fiber networks.

Download the RollR 200 Specification Sheet
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