Searching Deep Space via Optical Fiber

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For the first time, researchers have shown that a stable frequency reference can be reliably transmitted for more than 300 kilometers over a standard fiber optic telecommunications network in order to synchronize two radio telescopes. In The Optical Society of America’s Optica journal, researchers from a consortium of Australian institutions recently reported this successful transmission […]

Breakthrough Fiber Optic Laser May Revolutionize the Detection of Gases for Industry

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An international research group has developed a world-first fiber optic technology which may help detect a wide range of gases with unprecedented sensitivity. Published in the journal Optica, the discovery involves the creation of a fiber optic device which consists of an invisible infrared laser coupled to an ultra-broadband supercontinuum generator – two elements that […]

Improving Capacity, Reach and Economics with Coherent Transport

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Today, coherent transport technology enables speeds of 40 and 100 Gb/s over legacy fiber networks. However, emerging fundamental limitations in spectral efficiency and un-regenerated reach will soon begin to strain the economics of the internet. Backbone traffic is currently growing at a 30-50 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR), but consumers are reluctant to pay […]

Let the Ribbon Cables Roll…

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Meet two new, totally gel-free fiber optic cables from OFS that feature the company’s exciting new rollable ribbon technology. Using cables with this ribbon design, users can literally double the fiber density in an existing duct. First, the new AccuTube®+ Rollable Ribbon (RR) Fiber Optic Cable was specifically created to maximize duct utilization for ultra-high […]

Tales From the Front Line

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Interested in fiber optic sensing? If so, you’ll want to check out the “Tales From the Front Line of Fiber Optic Sensing” webinar presented by OptaSense and sponsored by the Fiber Optic Sensing Association (FOSA). Whether it’s detecting pipeline leaks, damage to railroads or intrusion at critical facilities, fiber optic sensing plays an increasingly important […]

Not Seeing is Believing

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OFS introduced the latest addition to its InvisiLight® Solutions family at the Fiber Connect Conference recently held in Orlando, FL. Specifically designed for fiber-to-the-subscriber (FTTx) deployment to low-rise buildings or garden-style dwelling units, the InvisiLight Facade Solution uses an innovative and virtually invisible approach to place fiber on and into buildings. In this way, the […]

Redefining the Limits of Optical Fiber

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The adoption of mobile devices, data-intensive applications and 4G LTE networks are just few of the key factors driving the ever-increasing demand for greater network and Internet bandwidth. In fact, a recent article in Optical Connections Magazine maintains that fundamental physics could pose a threat to the Internet’s continued expansion. However, according to Robert Lingle […]

Missed Our Recent Webinar?

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If so, don’t fret. This session on “Optical Fibers for Automation Controls and Industrial Networking” is still available for viewing. Specifically designed for integrators, this webinar discusses the challenge of transforming Industrial Automation configurations, using Industrial Ethernet, to achieve a factory floor that features a more intelligent, efficient and sophisticated network. This session will also […]